Press releases

  • 31 Oct 2019 - United Nations Day highlights the enduring ideals of the Charter, which entered into force on this date 74 years ago. Amid stormy global seas, the Charter remains our shared moral anchor. At this time of turbo-charged change, the United Nations remains focused on the real problems of real people. We are working for a fair globalization and bold climate action. We are pushing for human rights and gender equality -- and saying “no” to hatred of any kind.
  • 31 Oct 2019 - Peace is at the heart of all our work at the United Nations. And we know peace is much more than a world free of war. It means resilient, stable societies where everyone can enjoy fundamental freedoms and thrive rather than struggle to meet basic needs.Today peace faces a new danger: the climate emergency, which threatens our security, our livelihoods and our lives. That is why it is the focus of this year’s International Day of Peace.
  • 22 Aug 2019 - Nicosia, 22 August 2019 – As hunting season commences in Cyprus, UNFICYP cautions that such activities in the buffer zone, as well as the use of weapons, dogs or equipment in this context, is a security risk and strictly prohibited. The Mission strongly urges hunters to refrain from dangerous or irresponsible actions in and around the buffer zone.
  • 20 May 2019 - Today we honor more than one million men and women who have served as United Nations peacekeepers since our first mission in 1948.  We remember the more than 3,800 personnel who paid the ultimate price. And we express our deepest gratitude to the 100,000 civilian, police and military peacekeepers deployed around the world today, and to the countries that contribute these brave and dedicated women and men.  
  • 30 Apr 2019 - A free press is essential for peace, justice, sustainable development and human rights.  No democracy is complete without access to transparent and reliable information. It is the cornerstone for building fair and impartial institutions, holding leaders accountable and speaking truth to power. This is especially true during election seasons -- the focus of this year’s World Press Freedom Day. 
  • 27 Mar 2019 - The path towards achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development must be clear of landmines, explosive remnants of war and improvised explosive devices. All people have the right to live in security, and not fear their next step. Mine action clears paths and creates safe ground on which homes can be built or rebuilt. Mine action changes mindsets so that people know how to protect themselves. It gives people and communities new horizons and hope.
  • 30 Nov 2018 - U N I T E D   N A T I O N S                                    N A T I O N S   U N I E S   THE SECRETARY-GENERAL -- MESSAGE ON WORLD AIDS DAY 1 December 2018
  • 08 Nov 2018 - United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres today announced the appointment of Major General Cheryl Pearce of Australia as Force Commander of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP).
  • 24 Oct 2018 - United Nations Day marks the birthday of our founding Charter – the landmark document that embodies the hopes, dreams and aspirations of “we the peoples." Every day, the women and men of the United Nations work to give practical meaning to that Charter. Despite the odds and the obstacles, we never give up. 
