Press releases

  • 20 Dec 2015 - Today, the leader of the Greek Cypriot community, Mr. Nicos Anastasiades and the leader of the Turkish Cypriot community, Mr. Mustafa Akıncı, visited the CMP laboratory and met with the three CMP Members and many of the Committee’s Greek and Turkish Cypriot scientists.
  • 25 Nov 2015 - NICOSIA, 25 November 2015 - The Turkish Cypriot leader, Mr. Mustafa Akɪncɪ, and the Greek Cypriot leader, Mr. Nicos Anastasiades, met for the sixth time during a series of intensive sessions held in the month of November.      In the course of these six sessions, the two leaders have discussed a number of issues in most of the chapters interdependently and in great depth and have made further progress.
  • 18 Nov 2015 - 18 November 2015 - The Greek Cypriot leader, Mr. Nicos Anastasiades, and the Turkish Cypriot leader, Mr. Mustafa Akɪncɪ, condemn in the strongest terms the shameful incidents that occurred on 16 November 2015, during which Turkish Cypriots were targeted.   The leaders stand together against racism and hatred, whatever the source.  They jointly affirm that such deplorable acts will be thoroughly investigated and will not go unpunished. 
  • So far, 614 missing persons from both communities have been identified and returned to their families for a dignified burial

    09 Nov 2015 - Nicosia, 9 November 2015 - The Committee on Missing Persons (CMP) wishes to express its sincere thanks to H.E. Mr Mustafa Akıncı for a donation of EUR 75,000 made on behalf of the Turkish Cypriot community on 5 November 2015. This brings the Turkish Cypriot financial assistance to the CMP to a total of EUR 308,000 over the past ten years.
  • Slovakia's Ambassador to Cyprus Dr Oksana Tomová, makes a statement during a visit to the Committee on Missing Persons in Cyprus by representatives from political parties representing both communities in Cyprus. UNFICYP/Juraj Hladky

    05 Nov 2015 - NICOSIA, 5 November 2015 - The three CMP Members and the many Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot scientists working at the CMP laboratory were happy to welcome today representatives from political parties representing both communities in Cyprus.  The representatives were briefed on the complex process of locating, exhuming and identifying missing persons. The CMP Members also briefed them on the progress made and on the main challenges that the CMP is facing. 
  • The Committee on Missing Persons in Cyprus laboratory in Nicosia

    05 Nov 2015 - Nicosia, 5 November 2015 - Today, the CMP was notified by the leader of the Turkish Cypriot community, Mr Mustafa Akıncı, that Turkey had formally agreed to provide access for CMP excavation teams to all 30 currently known suspected burial sites in military areas in the north of Cyprus. Access will be given over a three year period, starting in January 2016, with ten sites to be excavated each year. 
  • 30 Oct 2015 - NICOSIA, 30 October 2015 - Today, the Turkish Cypriot leader, Mr. Mustafa Akıncı, and the Greek Cypriot leader, Mr. Nicos Anastasiades, met in a spirit of cooperation, reconfirming their joint vision for a united Cyprus as set out in the Joint Declaration of 11 February 2014.
  • 27 Oct 2015 - 27 October 2015 - From 20 to 23 October, 2015 the Committee on Missing Persons had meetings in Brussels with members of the European Parliament’s Budget and LIBE committees  as well as with senior European Commission officials. They also met with representatives of several European Union member States.
  • 13 Oct 2015 - Nicosia, 13 October - “I very much hope that I will be the first and last Global Advocate to see landmines on this beautiful island,” stated the United Nations Global Advocate for the Elimination of Mines and Explosive Hazards, British actor Daniel Craig. Craig is visiting Cyprus on a two day familiarisation visit with the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP), his first mission since his appointment by the United Nations Secretary-General as Global Advocate.
  • 12 Oct 2015 - NICOSIA, 12 October 2015 - Today, the Greek Cypriot leader Mr. Nicos Anastasiades, and the Turkish Cypriot leader, Mr. Mustafa Akıncı, deliberated on the outstanding issues in the negotiations. Conscious of the need to build on the current momentum, they had a constructive exchange on remaining divergences and instructed the negotiators on the way forward. 
