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"This war needs a war-time plan to fight it"
UNFICYP is continuing its operations at this time; our peacekeepers maintain their patrols in the buffer zone and remain engaged with both sides.
Civil Affairs continues to support trust-building between the communities through informal education in the Greater Famagusta region.
On 8 March 2020, more than 70 language students from all ages and across Cyprus came together in Kyrenia to attend the second language cafe and cultural club supported by UNFICYP Civil Affairs.
Nicosia – Following the decision to temporarily close four crossing points along the buffer zone, UNFICYP is concerned by the ongoing disruption caused to people on both sides.
Nicosia, 09 December 2019 – UNFICYP is pleased to announce the clearance of nine suspected hazardous areas each on both sides of the island, amounting to a total area of 210,882 square meters.
Sıdıka Özdoğan and Şenay Eyüpoğlu from the Mağusa Kadın Merkezi Derneği (Makamer) or the Famagusta Women’s Centre have devoted their energies to raising awareness about the issues faced by women in their community.
Mağusa Kültür Derneği (MKD) or the Famagusta Cultural Association was established in 1992 and has since then used its best efforts to supporting women, youth and children in the Famagusta region of Cyprus.
Münise Beyaz and Marianne Sophocleous are two members of the Pyla Bi-Communal Women’s Initiative which came to life in 2018.
Yeniboğaziçi Kadınlar Derneği (YEKAD) or the Ayios Seryios Women’s Association, led by a dynamic management board of which Fikirye Hürses and Münevver Kılıç are core members, is one of the oldest women’s groups in the Turkis